About us
The Bulgarian National Committee on Large Dams (BUNCOLD) is officially registered in Bulgaria as Bulgarian Society for Large Dams It was founded in 1938. It is headed by a Governing Board, which as the Bulgarian National Committee is member of the International Commission on Large Dams (ICOLD) founded in 1928 in Paris.
The Bulgarian Society for Large Dams is an independent legal entity, registered as a non-profit association for carrying out activities for the public benefit, which carries out its activities for the benefit of its members and everything related to research, design, construction and operation of dams and rational use of the country's water resources.
Chairman: Dr. Dimitar Kisliakov, MSc CEng, Professor at the Dept. of Hydraulic, Irrigation and Drainage at the UACEG, Sofia
E-mail: BUNCOLD@uacg.bg, kiss_fhe@uacg.bg, tel. 02 963 5245, - 690; Fax: 02 866 82 87
Secretary: Dr. Silviya Petkova, MSc in CEng, Dept. of Hydraulic, Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, UACEG, 1 Hr.Smirnenski Blvd., 1046 Sofia, BULGARIA
E-mail: s.sasheva@gmail.com