The Bulgarian Society for Large Dams, with the support of the Faculty of
Hydraulic Engineering at UACEG, organized an annual meeting on the occasion of the World Water Day 2023.
The meeting was held on March 30, 2023 at 4:00 p.m. in hall A-205 of the University of Architecture,
Civil Engineering and Geodesy (UACEG), 1 Hr. Smirnenski Blvd.
The following special reports were presented:
1) Eng. Ognyan Todorov: "Filters in embankment dams - problems and solutions"
2) Eng. Valentin Anastasov: "Activities during the reconstruction of the Poroy dam into a water supply reservoir"
The presented reports provoked interesting discussions on the questions raised.
At the meeting, an organizational meeting of the Bulgarian Society for Large Dams - National Committee of our country at ICOLD also was held,
at which a report on the National Committee (BUNCOLD) activities in 2022 and a financial report for the same period was presented. Both documents were accepted.